LOA: 38.33 ft
LWL: 33.25 ft
Beam: 12.83 ft
Draft: 5.42 ft
Displacement: 14300.00 lbs
Ballast: 5180.00 lbs
Hull type: Fin w/spade rudder
Hull construction: FG
Rigging type: Masthead Sloop
Below you'll find the latest Beneteau Oceanis 390 listings for the last 12 months. We compare the listing price with boats listed in the past and the color coding indicates if the price is good (green = below the average listing price) or more on the expensive side (red = seller is asking more than the average listing price).
How to read this chart: The x-axis shows the months and the number of boats listed in that month. The bars show the range between cheapest and most expensive Beneteau Oceanis 390 listed in that month.